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Upcycled Bookcase Farmers Market

The times that I find most exhilarating is when I have an idea and can’t wait to get it complete. Do you ever do that? I mean, in this instance, I was inspired on first glance of this little cutie at a thrift store. What it would become for sure didn’t hit until I got it home, but there was no doubt in my mind that it would become something new. Yes, I’m quirky, but you’ll understand when you see what I do with my upcycled bookcase. Let the fun begin!

Thrifted Bookcase Before Makeover |

You may be wondering what I see in this thing, but really, it’s all about function. Also, I adore pieces that can go in most any room. In spite of the wear, this one is made solid enough, but just needs some TLC.

Thrift Store Bookcase Side Before Makeover |

*post sponsored by HomeRight(see full disclosure)

Not only was the back was flimsy, but it also had a large hole drilled into it (probably for a cord to fit through). In addition, the paint job was seriously lacking. Plus, there were drips and runs all over.


No worries, right? My first order of business in this upcycled bookcase makeover is to remove the back with my handy-dandy hammer. That was stress reliever! haha! After that, I used a substantial amount of wood filler to fill all the scratches, dents, and nail holes. Once cured, my sander came out to play and help me finish it all up.

Since I removed the backing the stability of the bookcase was faltering. However, that is easily fixed by adding some back braces that would serve a dual purpose. I cut a couple of 1″x 4″ boards with my miter saw, and then added some pocket hole joints on each end with my Kreg Jig. My sweet helper decided she could attach them for me with my drill. Love it!

Daughter Helping Attach Bookcase Braces |

For the front, I cut a few small strips to build it up for what I’m going to add next. In addition, my nailer made this a super easy job to do.

Nailing Bookcase Trim with Ryobi Nailer |


Here is the start of my upcycled bookcase with the back braces and front pieces added.

Upcycled Bookcase with Back Supports Added |

Assembled Upcycled Bookcase Ready for Paint |

Now the bookcase is sturdy and just needs a bit more wood filler and sanding and it’s ready for paint. Woot!

So… I surveyed your guys’ thoughts on social media what I should name this color and without a doubt the top picked named was Avocado. I don’t think I’m going to name it that (although I eat avocado almost daily), but it sure was a hoot to hear all your responses. Thanks for the input!

Soft Green Enamel Paint for Upcycled Bookcase by Prodigal Pieces |


Isn’t this a pretty color? It’s an alkyd enamel in a gloss finish that I knew would be prefect for my project. Because this kind of paint can be a horror to apply with a brush, I chose to use my paint sprayer.

Painting Upcycled Bookcase by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

You can see how I’ve used the sprayer in previous posts HERE, and my demos of the spray shelter in these posts. PLUS, I have the build plans to make your own furniture Lazy Susan over HERE. It makes painting a piece go faster and no fuss in your finish.

For this upcycled bookcase, I’m using my black nozzle and blue tip. (the sprayer comes with two nozzles and three different tips so you can change it up easy-peasy).

How to Use the HomeRight Super Finish Max Sprayer for Home and More by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Spray Paint a Thrifted Upcycled Bookcase | Prodigal Pieces |

When using your sprayer, feel free to practice on a piece of scrap or cardboard. To get a gorgeous, finish, be sure to use your shoulder, not your wrist, to move the sprayer evenly. Also, begin spraying before you hit your project with spray and continue off. This will help prevent and runs and drips and give you even coats.


Next, let your coat cure. I let my first coat cure for about 6 hours. *this is an enamel and takes much longer than latex, milk, or chalk paint, but oh so durable. Once it was cured, I add another coat and let cure again. Here it is after two coats of paint. Looking good!

Upcycled Bookcase with Two Coats of Paint by Prodigal Pieces |

While my layers were curing, I set about to work on the rest of my exciting idea. You see, I wanted to create a miniature farmer’s market for a pretend play set. Making kid toys and dolls is easily one of my favorite things to do. Just so happens I have 6 kids in my gaggle that love to receive said gifts. Happy mama + happy kids = FUN!


Here is their farmer’s market I made for them ages ago with cardboard and still going strong. You can see my post about it and what goodies lie behind that fun setup in this post HERE.

Handmade Cardboard Snack Stand and Farmer's Market by Prodigal Pieces |

Since they already have this one, I am making this one just for the sheer fun of it. I dug into my wood stash and created this stack of mini crates. Aren’t they cute?

Stack of mini crates for pretend play farmers market |

All they needed were some rope handles added. Likewise, that was made simple with my drill and this drawer pull jig.

Kreg Drawer Pull Jig Makes Adding Drawer Pulls a Breeze |

In addition to woodworking, my other favorite pastime is sewing. My other stash afforded me these fun gingham fabrics. I’m not kidding…it pays to have a stash! Some of this would become an awning, tablecloth, and…

Red, Blue, and Green Gingham Fabrics |

…an adorable apron perfect for a little farmer’s market munchkin.

Handmade Child's Gingham Apron by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |


Finally, after working on all these fun parts of my bookcase evolution, it’s finally time to show you. Ta da!

Absolutely adorable miniature pretend play farmer's market made from upcycled bookcase by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Handmade Toy Farmer's Market with Embroidered Market Bags, Felted Wool Food, and Imaginative Fun from an Upcycled Bookcase | by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Embroidered Kids Pretend Play Farmer's Market Bags by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces for Upcycled Bookcase |

Can you tell I had a blast?! My little market features six crates, a removable tablecloth, embroidered market bags, and even a fold-away shop sign. Additionally, the awning is removable and sets up easily too. My colorful little bunting is from felt wool scraps I have from all my past creations. Last, every part of this stand is made from something I have in my stash. I was SO STOKED!

Top View of Handmade Farmer's Market from Upcycled Bookcase by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |


And, I have to mention this cutie pie in the red gingham apron. She helped and her sibs encouraged me the whole way and were even game to help me stage it. They are my biggest fans! Often I remind her she’s not allowed to get bigger. In spite of my efforts, I don’t think she’s listening. sniff…

Absolutely adorable red gingham apron for kids with Upcycled Bookcase Farmer's Market | Handmade by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Kids Pretend Play is so fun in this Upcycled Bookcase Farmer's Market made by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

I wasn’t kidding when I say I LOVE to do this! Pretend play is an amazing thing to do as a child and encourages such awesome life skills. And, you know I have fun playing too. tsk.

Pretend Play Garden with Strawberries by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces for Upcycled Bookcase |

Pretend Play Strawberries made from Felted Merino Wool by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces for Upcycled Bookcase Farmer's Market |


With that in mind, in case you think I’m completely nuts, I didn’t make all these food items just for this project. haha! These are the food items that I made for my kids years ago for their market and helped me through a difficult time. Stitch therapy is wonderful.

However, if you’d like to find some of these food items for your own kids, there are so many crafty folks with handmade goodies here in these shops.

Pretend Play Farmer's Market made by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces from Upcycled Bookcase |

Selection of Pretend Play Fruits & Vegetables in Upcycled Bookcase created by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Kids Farmer's Market Stand from Upcycled Bookcase with Market Bags, Crates, and Mini Apron by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces |

Since my kids already have a larger market of their own, this fun farmer’s market is available for purchase in my shop. Someone is going to be getting a sweet combo of market bags, market, and apron. Purchase food items HERE.

Shop Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

DIY Pretend Farmer's Market for Kids Handmade from Upcycled Bookcase by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | #prodigalpieces

Adorable Handmade Kids Pretend Farmer's Market Created by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces from an Upcycled Bookcase |

Pretend Play Market Stand Built by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces from Upcycled Bookcase |

I had a blast (literally) sharing this with you today. Not only is my goal to inspire you, but also to see beyond the obvious and have some fun while you’re at it. Thanks for joining me in my DIY adventure!


In addition, pin and share this upcycled bookcase farmer’s market to inspire others too.

Say whaat?! This upcycled bookcase was turned into an adorable pretend play farmer's market stand. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces shared the DIY details on her blog | #prodigalpieces #kids #toys #handmade #home #homedecor #furniture #diy

Up next, these seriously sad set of canisters is up for reprieve. Can we maybe say Pinterest fail? hee hee. See their after HERE.

Thrifted Kitchen Canisters Before Makeover |

To get these DIY tips & tricks in your inbox, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. Until next time!

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Also, more DIY projects like this upcycled bookcase:

How beautiful! This trashed handmade wall clock was given new life as a beautiful butterfly by Larissa of Prodigal Pieces | Come see the DIY details at prodigalpieces.comOh my...I think every 80's child had that upholstery in their home! This vintage child's rocking chair needed an update and some TLC. Get the DIY details by Larissa at Prodigal Pieces at | #prodigalpieces #furniture #homedecor #handmade #kids


  1. Paula says

    This is adorable, Larissa! You amaze me with your creativity and vision. Some child is going to love playing with this farmer’s market. Your little helper is the cutest!

    • Larissa says

      Sweet hugs to you, Paula. Thank you for making my day. 😀

  2. Annette says

    Your project is adorable. You always have such great ideas.

    I’d use the set on my front door and shutters which are in desperate need of repainting. I also want to refinish my kitchen cabinets….eventually.

    • Larissa says

      Thank you, Annette. The sprayer would make all those jobs SO much easier.

  3. Jennie says

    You are a blessing to your readers Larissa. You have the BEST ideas for repurposing of any blog i read. Thank you for sharing your talents.

    • Larissa says

      I do believe you just made my whole day, week, and month. Thank you so much, Jennie. 🙂

  4. ColleenB.~Texas says

    What a cute and adorable makeover.
    I just picked up an old computer cabinet unit of which I would use the set on it.
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity

    • Larissa says

      Thank you, Colleen. Sounds like a fun project on the horizon.

  5. Rebecca - Knoxville, TN says

    Love it! The handmade fruit is Adorable! A medium spray tent would be fantastic – I’d spray paint a set of dining chairs.

  6. Debrashoppeno5 says

    How adorable. I bet your daughter had a blast. The spray tent is great for those small projects.

  7. Shirley says

    I was totally not expecting that…so darn cute! Love all the little vegetables you made for this project! Oh and that little sign you attached, precious! Very nice use of what could have sat in that thrift store for who knows how long. And those strawberries!!!

    • Larissa says

      You made me giggle, Shirley!! tee hee! Thank you for the smile and love.

  8. Barbara Brannon says

    I have long watched your blog and just marveled at your creativity and talent AND you make all your projects look so easy! The HomeRight sprayer is simply a must-have and would LOVE to have one, not to mention the shelter as well. Thank you for all you do!

    • Larissa says

      Your words mean so much, Barbara. Thank you for the virtual hug!

  9. Deirdre Breau says

    Oh Larissa, so many projects and just not enough time in my day to do them all. This is such a cute idea which I too am sure I have everything I need to do it in my stash! One day, one day.

  10. JILL NELSON says

    I have a table and chairs I want to spray. Nothing more tedious than hand painting chair legs!

  11. Melanie Brooks says

    You really had a vision, because I totally did not see a Farmers Market in that bookcase! I love how the berries “grow” , harvest, market. What a great lesson (and fun!) for little ones!

    • Larissa says

      haha!! Too funny, Melaine! This was so fun for me to break up the norm and get to “play”.

  12. Alison S says

    I have some chairs I would like to paint.

  13. Lori Sawyer says

    I love it!! My mom made most all our toys growing up and i did the same when my babies were little.they’re teenagers and still love my homemade gifts best

    • Larissa says

      Sounds like you and your mom are kindred spirits. Nothing like handmade. 🙂

  14. Nancy says

    Larissa, you never stop amazing me with your creativity! This came out so darn cute!!! So inspiring.!!!!

    • Larissa says

      happy dance!! Thank you for the love and smile, Nancy. 😀

  15. Denise C says

    What a fun toy! I love your ‘out of the box’ ideas! The whole scenario is just adorable. I’m looking for the time (and courage) to paint a dresser and desk.

    • Larissa says

      Wahoo!! It’s so fun for me to do. Thankful I have kids to allow myself the treat to create. hee hee!

  16. Candice Cleveland says

    I have chairs I need to paint. Love your creativity!

  17. Lynne says

    This is the most adorable market stand I’ve ever seen! And the produce…awesome!

  18. Carol S says

    So cute and such an inspiration! Great job, as always, Larissa. Thank you for being you!

    • Larissa says

      I’m so glad you’re here to join me in the fun. Thank you!

  19. T. Creel says

    That is so stinkin cute!
    I wouldn’t have thought of that.

    • Larissa says

      I couldn’t wait to get started. So fun to do. Thank you. 😀

  20. Kristina Austin says

    I love your line about telling your little one she has to stop growing now, I tell my grandsons the same thing but they are not listening either lol!

    • Larissa says

      I know, right?! I miss my littles but love the biggies too.

  21. Audra says

    Ok…that is insanely adorable!!!!! The awning, swing sign, bunting!!! So cute! If my daughter were younger, I would totally want this for her!!!! And I know the veggie garden next to it isn’t part, but that is awesome!!!! Love how the strawberries come off the vine too! You are so super creative!

    • Larissa says

      You made me LOL!! awww…thank you so much for the love. 😀

  22. Lindsay Fay says

    Larissa, this is so completely adorable! When I was a little kid, my grandfather built me a kitchen set, and it was one of my favorite things to play “house” in for a very long time. I’m sure this will make a child happy for many years!

    • Larissa says

      Thanks! Sounds like he is a kindred spirit. We built our girls a kitchen years ago too. They all love it!

  23. Kimberly says

    This is seriously one of the sweetest repurposes I have every seen!

    • Larissa says

      That’s such a fantastic compliment, Kimberly. Thank you!

  24. KImmylouwho says

    How super cute is this?! My grandkids love to pretend and play with food. I love to watch them use their imagination and this produce stand will bring lots of fun to some little ones! I would love to win that sprayer for some paint projects that I have planned.

  25. Maureen says

    So cute. You are so creative. I’d love a paint tent. I’m working on a snowman for Christmas and wish I had it right now, as it is windy here and no way can I paint anything! I’d love to win this giveaway.

  26. Michelle says

    I love your project, so adorable. My granddaughters would absolutely love it! I have a couple of bedframes to paint, they have curves and since I want them to have a “professional” finish, I know a paint sprayer would help me do the job right! Thank you for the giveaway!

    • Larissa says

      I’m so happy to hear it, Michelle. Thank you. My pleasure!

  27. Abby says

    This is super cute!!!! I really need to paint my night stands that we use as end tables in the living room 🙂

  28. Judy Newell says

    This market is adorable. You can see the love that went into it. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

    • Larissa says

      I could have kept going and creating and thought I better stop. tee hee! Thank you, Judy.

  29. Debra A Wise says

    That farmers market is just the cutest idea! I love your cutie pie assistants too! Your children are so adorable and are surely going to follow in their mama’s footsteps. God has blessed you with so much vision and talent. The produce you sewed is unbelievable! I have table and chairs (and some other projects) that I want to paint. Would love to have the sprayer and shelter to make painting easier. Thanks for the giveaway!

    • Larissa says

      They are my best support and love. So it makes it easy to create for them. Thank you, Debra.

  30. Patty Soriano says

    SO sweet! Love this for playtime! A good friend in Australia also makes pretend food to sell online, and I always find she comes up with such fun ideas ! Just like you! Love the green…. I voted “pistachio.” 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway, Larissa! I’ll keep trying until I win one. I have a table that needs to be painted !

    • Larissa says

      It’s so addictive to create the food. I have so many more items for them I’ve made over the years.

  31. Jan Gommeringer says

    The little market vendor is adorable! Does she come with the market? Just kidding! Lol Your vision is so creative and I would not have thought to make this bookcase into this cute market. I’ve never used a sprayer. I’ve been intimidated of cleaning the paint out of it when I’m finished. But I love the finish a sprayer can do. The spray tent is a genius idea! I’ve seen you use it before in your posts and always think, wow, such a great idea! Thank you for your posts! I don’t know how you get everything done. You’re Wonder Woman!

    • Larissa says

      So cute! You will love this sprayer because it’s the easiest to clean. REALLY! That feature is key to me as no one like to clean up messes. Hugs!

  32. Renee' says

    The farmers market that you made is so adorable and I bet it is really satisfying to see your kids love something you made for them. I love making stuff for my kids and and grand kids. It makes my heart happy to see the items being used in their homes! I am very impressed with the fruits and veggies that you sowed.. That is some great sewing talent right there! I would love to have the sprayer and shelter for my home. Right now, my projects are all hand painted with chalk paints and rubbed with wax. It has been hard to do lately because of a brace I must wear for tendinitis in my thumb and wrist of my painting hand!!!! The sprayer and tent would help me with getting a beautiful, smooth finish for my finished pieces without the brush marks as well as give my hand a break!! Win/win in my book!!!

    • Larissa says

      Your comment took, it just needed approved. 🙂 Thank you so much, Renee. It truly is a blessing to have loved ones to create for and they are blessed by YOU. Sorry for you troubles and hope you win! 😀

  33. Staci says

    That is sweetest! And your little model, so adorable! Your creativity is inspiring and so fun to see! Would have loved having this and your beautiful tea cart for my girls when they were little. Maybe I can place an order when I have grands. LOL. It’ll be awhile since my girls are 17 and 13 now!

    • Larissa says

      I found I made WAAAAY to much stuff for my kids over the years and I needed to scale it back, so this is super fun for me! 😀

  34. Maria Howard says

    Always so creative!!!

  35. Saundra J Simpson says

    What a wonderful idea. So sorry my grands are all grownups now. I will pin this idea in prep for future Great grands.

  36. Nancy A says

    ? I love your kiddie market. have a small night stand I want to paint a deep dark red. Thank you! You are a great teacher by the way…very inspiring!

  37. Amy says

    Love this! Makes me think I should make something like this for my grandson…maybe a tool bench!

  38. Michelle says

    What a wonderfully adorable idea! I love it!!!

  39. MoeWest says

    Your market stand is so wonderful! It’s sure to provide hours of playtime fun. I would use the sprayer and tent to refinish thrift store finds.

    • Larissa says

      I’d love to be a kid again just for this. So fun! 😀

  40. Julie Waldron says

    Cute project! My daughter has a vanity that some friends gave her that needs repainted.

  41. Heather D says

    I like your project. My husband would love these products for his projects.

  42. Ann Trippy says

    Larissa: You have such a natural gift of creating. When you go to a thrift store and purchase an item everyone is passing on and you purchase it your creative juices must just roll out and the let the creation begin. Love what you did on the bookcase and created something special for children.

  43. Carol Claremont says

    I would paint the 8 chairs that we use with our farm table – they are a mish-mash of styles but all are solid wood painted different colors. We want them all white as we are painting the table white too. I love your play project and bet you little ones do too!

  44. Kathy E. says

    My first project would be to tackle a set of tall candlesticks that I want to repurpose. They’d be a great practice project!

  45. Hanna Quana says

    Wow!! That’s amazing. Wish I had one when I was a kid!! Hope I win! I really need both of those products!!!

  46. Kelly D says

    I love the way you did this! I would paint my coffee table.

  47. Naomi S says

    What an awesome project, Larissa! What little guy of gal wouldn’t love that to play with?

    I would love to have the spray tent. Let’s see, what project would I use it for first? I have a little round two-tiered occasional table I think it might work really well for. The sprayer would be handy for getting the bottom side of the top tier and also for doing the slender legs, maybe. I sure would be fun to experiment!

    • Larissa says

      Yippee!! I totally had so much fun with this. Thank you for the smile, Naomi! 😀

  48. Amy says

    Love the farmer’s market! I have a console table set aside to refinish–the sprayer would make this so much easier!

  49. Shelley S says

    Not commenting to enter, but just want to tell you, the recent photos of you on your blog – the one on the bench under the sign in particular – are just fabulous. So pretty and flattering!

    • Larissa says

      You are the sweetest, Shelley. Thank you for taking the time to make my day.

  50. Chris says

    Would love a HomeRight Finish Max Sprayer and shelter! Lots of projects in mind!

  51. Debi says

    Love your creativity! The Market Stand is adorable! I have been wanting a paint sprayer for awhile now…I have several furniture pieces and other projects that it would be so helpful with!?

    • Larissa says

      Thanks so much, Debi. You will love the sprayer and shelter.

  52. Grace Weimer says

    So cute and so clever!

    • Teresa Archer says

      I love your posts, you always have the best ideas! And after reading your post I see treasures in my pile in a whole new way!

      • Larissa says

        That’s what it’s all about for me, Teresa. Thank you for making my day!

  53. Lori says

    This was a work of love. I am sure your children love it. Thanks for sharing.

    • Larissa says

      It truly was something that once I got the idea, I couldn’t wait to work on it. Don’t you know the idea hit when I laid down to sleep…sleep did not come for a looooong time. haha!

  54. Michele says

    Your fruit stand reminds me of all the playhouses my dad made for me when I was growing up. One even had running water (from a garden hose) and a light! If I were to win the sprayer I would like to paint a set of bookshelves I have had in my storage for several years. Seriously doubt I could make a farmer’s market as cute as yours, but I’d settle for a nice paint job!

  55. Debb Hulseman says

    Addorable Farmer’s Market!!!

  56. Kayla klontz says

    This stand is awesome! I think I’d do something similar using an old book case i have!

    • Larissa says

      That’s the DIY spirit! So much fun to hear, Kayla. 😀

  57. Erin says

    I have an old nightstand I would love to repurpose.

  58. Michelle says

    My kids would have played for hours with this! If I were to take the sprayer for a spin, it might be time to update my outdoor furniture. Going into the cooler months here in the desert means our outdoor season!

    • Larissa says

      I’m a big kid and play for hours…haha! Thank you for the smile, Michelle.

  59. Terry says

    I would spray the deck on my condo.

  60. Kaycee says

    Larissa, I am still in awe of this creation, actually both this farm stand and the farm stand you had already built for your children! I am certain your children really enjoy playing “farmer’s market” with all your lovely hand sewn fruits, veggies, and of course, the raised garden bed! Again, how I wish I was a child again, to play with all these goodies, it would be a blast!

    • Larissa says

      I can’t say enough how pretend play truly is wonderful for kids and parents can join in. Makes for awesome life-learning and memories. Thank you, Kaycee.

  61. Jeremy McLaughlin says

    This would be great to use on my outdoor furniture.

  62. carol clark says

    id spray my fence panels and id paint my bed frame

  63. Eileen Boyce says

    I have a book shelf I would like to spray. Thanks you are talented!

  64. Jenny Ham says

    Love it great idea. I would try to do some patio furniture

  65. Becky says

    THAT is SO cute!!!! Those little tilted crates…!!! I love it! No way am I letting my kids see these pictures, haha!

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Client Love

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

~ Laurel

Prodigal Pieces

~ Laurel

I love it! Larissa is amazing. She listened to what I wanted and then she took care of the rest! This is my second piece I've bought from her and I'm in love! I highly recommend her.

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

~ Stephanie

Prodigal Pieces

~ Stephanie

I love this cart, it's exquisite. The item was received in extremely secure packaging, no damage to the item. The delivery person was very professional and courteous. Larissa of Prodigal Pieces is so very amazing. A rating of 10 is deserved. Thank you, Larissa.

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

~ Mikki

Prodigal Pieces

~ Mikki

I should have left this review MONTHS ago! I absolute love this lunch bag. I honestly carry this 5 days a week. It is the perfect size! Not only can you put your lunch in it, it can also hold your book. I enjoy reading at lunch, so I have all I need in one cute bag. Thank you so much Larissa!

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

~ Sharon

Prodigal Pieces

~ Sharon

Awww…I love this sweet Cat with an attitude!! SO SO adorable! Well worth the money, and he will become a priceless treasure in my home! Thanks Larissa for always making your ideas turn into true treasures!

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!

~ Deanna

Prodigal Pieces

~ Deanna

Perfect purchase from start to finish! Absolutely adorable piece so creatively thought out. Packed with the greatest of care with lightening fast delivery. Very customer-oriented and friendly crafter. Could not ask for more! Thank you!
Prodigal Pieces